Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My New Coffee Maker!

As a law student, I pound back a lot of coffee. Coming from Montreal (my hometown), I will admit to some coffee snobbery. I insist on fair trade organic (preferably Italian) beans that I grind in my little grinder (this saves money AND improves the taste of your coffee). And, up until now, I either peculated espresso in my stove-top peculator or used a French Press. 
Anyway, since I've gone back to school, there are always coffee grinds all over my counter and I act like a complete ho-bag (this is the female equivalent of douche-bag, if you want to get technical) for the first half-hour of the morning (this is before the coffee is ready). Something had to give...
 So on Monday, I bought one of those coffee makers with "Delay Brew" function. This means that I can program the coffee maker (once loaded with water and coffee, of course) to turn itself on at the time of my choosing! I happen to chose 6:30 am ( I have Crim at 8 am on Monday and Wednesdays). Anyway, I was all excited about this last night, I set the coffee maker and went to bed. But alas! I woke up and there was no coffee to be had! Unfortunately, I have to report that some ho-baggery did ensue. I am trying again tonight! Here's hoping...  

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